Proofreading & editing

February 17, 2008

I’m hanging my shingle as a freelance proofreader & editor. Here’s the craigslist ad:

In short, my wife and I are full-time educators looking to do a bit of proofreading and/or editing on the side.

I have a BA in English Lit and MEd in School Counseling. I am a school counselor and continue to keep my reading habits in literature and letters current. I have been published and have experience (part-time jobs and assistantships in college) doing quite a bit of web editing, proofreading, and grading papers.

My wife has a BA and MA in English Lit. She teaches high school English and taught composition courses at Clemson. She was also a copy editor for The South Carolina Review, and has a strong background in analysis and writing.

If we may be of service to you, please contact us through craigslist. Going rates for freelance editors are $2-4 per page. We can do much better than that.

Indeed, we can do much better than that. Email me for inquiries.